If you are looking for a high quality and effective type of Psychotherapy, relationship counselling in Newcastle, Durham or Middlesbrough, please search through the website for the information you require. Any questions or queries you have can be discussed on the phone with your initial enquiry.
Couples Therapy
Relationships are a challenging and demanding area of our lives, replete with rewards, benefits, struggles and wonderous moments and awful disasters. It is astonishing to think that we leap into them, maybe settle into marriages and make life changing decisions without any or very little guidance in what we are doing.
Do we ever sit back to think what it is that makes a relationship work, what makes a relationship healthy, what enables some couples to live their whole lives together and for others not to be able to? Why do we marry and what did we want from marriage? What do we do in the face of problems, what and how do we react?
The nature of relationship is of course complex. Two worlds come together with great hope, feeling, love, passion and desire. But we also move through stages with life. Romance drops off, children come, jobs and careers dominate etc etc.
It is a wonder that they can work out at all.
The quality of a relationship can often be enhanced via the process of improved communication and understanding and the enemy to understanding someone else is familiarity and assumption.
Familiarity and assumption invade relationships through the medium of time and slowly cement in place patterns of interrelationship that are not in any way related to the person one once knew, but related to the person one has an image of inside of ones own mind.
Compounding this problem is the area of unresolved issues accumulating via lack of discussion, resentment build ups, stresses and strains dominating life and comming between two people in their relationship. These issues ultimately lead to break down, seperation and divorce. Years of problems, poor communication, misunderstood issues, lack of mutual understanding have got in the way of being able to relate to one another and maintain the sense of support and mutual understanding that is so essential to healthy co living.
Often couples or an individual will seek help when their resources are at an all time low but they want to make their relationship work. They still care for and love their partner, but for somereason outside of their own understanding, their capacity to make it work is failing them.
This is an excellent time to seek help and explore the problems of the relationship.
Therapy offers a confidential and private space within which to discuss and learn. Therapy is based on the process of an effective working relationship and is an ideal resource to use for support around personal affairs. The benefit of a neutral outside observer can be exceptionally helpful to bring new light to problems and support change.
Therapy offers an environment within which frustrations can be aired and discharged. Where discussions around what one would like ones relationship to be like can occur.
Relationships can be greatly enhanced and saved by counselling and therapy. For a relatively short period of time, significant change and understanding can take place. This can alleviate tension and stress within a relationship which has been slowly accumulating for years.